Friday, March 28, 2014

National Geographic Cover

Let's jump into this. I found a hamster picture, and a lion picture. On the hamster, I used the poly. lasso tool to crop the head only. Then I added the image of the head on top of the lion image. To make the hamster head. Then for the cover, I copied the border on one layer, and the title on another. I then merged them together. I added another title to give the title a border. Then I used the text tool to add the name of the creature, and two questions that would be answered in the article... if it were real. I also added the page it would be on.  This one did not take me a long time to make, it was very simple and easy.

Propaganda Poster

Well, I'll just jump into how I made this.
First I cropped my head using the poly. lasso tool, and deleted the back ground of my picture. Then I made four other copies, and put them in a group. The numbers of the copies went backwards, so top to bottom was 4, 3, 2, 1. I took the original and put it by itself, and I locked it so just in case anything happened, I would have a back up. When I finished making the copies and the group, I started to play with the threshold, just to get the feel of it. I made layer one the darkest, and the layers got lighter as I went up. I gave colors to each layer and they were teal, dark teal, orange(my paper color), and purple. When i finished that, i smoothed it out so it doesn't look so choppy and messy. When I finished smoothing it out, I changed the background to my teal, and orange colors (half & half). Very easy step. I used the paint bucket, after selecting half of the background. When i finished that I extended the bottom so i could place my word(s) there. I used the text tool, and I typer "HULLO". Mainly because I used to say 'hello' like that.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Home Banner.

I created this in photoshop awhile back. All i did was use the shape tools and change the color of the shapes, rearrange them, and change the sizes so they aren't all the same. I tried my best to use different color just so it can have variety. When i made this, I did not like when there were themes, like only certain colors and/or shades of those colors, but now I like that. I kinda wish I had more of a theme to it. Mostly because thats my style now.